
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Musings and rants(yep, here we go again...)

 Well the Elections will be coming up soon and the first thing I and many of my friends are doing is...

Yep, as they say in Minnesota "You betcha".    As the election is coming up, I recall a choice 4 years ago and 75 million of us choose Trump, but "somehow the donks "Pulled 81 million votes out of the hat for that dottering vegetable"  I had posted a meme for the 2020 election...

  Well everyone has seen the results of 4 years of the "Xiden Administration" and Kamala is running to basically become Obungler 4.0

    Now we have again upon the cusp of most likely the last free election in our lifetime the 2024 election.

    There will be hard choices to be made and I hope people choose wisely.  I have told the younger voters that "if y'all buy the snake oil that Kamala is peddling, y'all are gonna pay the freight for choosing poorly, I am toward the back 40 of my life, y;all have your lives ahead of you, so choose wisely."

     There is a huge belief that if Kamala gets in, that the way that the democrats are "Legalizing illegals at warp speed to get them citizenship to allow voting in 2026 and later"  This meme was from the Obungler years, but since I consider Kamala( Obungler 4.0), it has merit.  Remember for the past several months, they have had to revise job numbers downward because the labor dept got caught "fudging numbers" and most of the jobs that did get created, the illegals got.  There is a huge fear of the "great replacement" where we as native Americans are replaced by 3rd world outsiders because they are used to doing what they are told and will toe the party line which the donks and deep statist will love.  

   Meanwhile Former GOP VEEP from the 2nd Bush administration endorsed Kamala, and the donks fell all over themselves praising Cheney for "Being Brave".  The rest of Americans consider him "dishonorable " for endorsing her especially after the treatment he got from the democrats since 2004 because he was seen as "the Warmonger" "Darth Cheney", and so forth.  

    Meanwhile The President of the Ukraine, Zelensky flew into Pennsylvania in a U.S. Airforce plane and do some politicking for the democrats 2024 tickets in a battleground state and a lot of people are crying "Its a political stunt" and the House GOP wants to investigates because it broke several laws including campaign laws.

The Israeli scored a major coup and nailed the entire leadership and middle management of Hamas and Hezbollah when their pagers literally blew up...
   Meanwhile word on the street the main mullah from both Iran and Hezbollah and Hamas are hiding in bunkers due to the success of the pager program.   and in that vein, word on the street is that the USSS you know these guys...

The guys that keep managing to bungle the protection around President Trump, word on the street is that there is a mole feeding intelligence to various kill teams and the 2nd attempt was an attempt to exploit a hole in the security net at Trumps Golf Course..A lot of people "Believe that there will be at least another assassination attempt" before November.  My honest concern is that 35% of Americans put their hopes and dreams of saving America into this man and what do you think their emotions will be if he gets capped and then the explosions of glee from the media and hollywood and the politicians and academia go "darn" and smirk and cheer and celebrate, what do you think their reaction will be?   It ain't gonna be pleasant.     And speaking of dodging..
While President Trump is dodging bullets, and assassination attempts, Kamala avoids the press unless she can find a very friendly venue that can "feed her campaign" the answers in advance so she can study up. so far it has been a mixed bag, and the pictures from the ABC debate shows what appears to be an earpiece in her ear.  Despite all that, she did *meh*, and now she is pushing for another debate on CNN again...and President Trump has already had 2 debates, and as far as he is concerned he is done, he has offered "Fox News" and it is more impartial and Kamala flat out refused because she won't get any "assistance" from that network

    Meanwhile I think the DOJ wants President Trump to Use a pager as part of his security net....you know the same DOJ that has been weaponized  to go after the "enemies of the State"

   You know...Veterans, Native Born Americans, and Legal Americans that don't like the agenda of the "elitist", whereas illegals, terrorist, and other neardowells get a pass...yeah...them. because the end state is to tear up the fabric of the country to such a state that the people will surrender their sovereignty to the state for the state to "save them" from the problems that were caused by the state to begin with.    Funny that...

   Meanwhile the Democrats are pushing the Project 2025 is President Trump's baby despite President Trump has no involvement in it, and has disavowed it, and has no interest in it.

   Funny That....


   And Hillary has crawled out of whatever sewer she has been residing in, I guess she is trying to make herself relevant after getting passed over on the VEEP nod from Kamala and she has been commenting about the extreme danger of President Trump being a "Danger and a Threat to Democracy" There has been talk about putting Trump supporters in camps before, especially during the covid crisis especially for the "Unvaxxed

All the drama has been stirred up by the DNCMedia and has scared the crap out of people, stirred up the fear and animosity of various groups of people because the donks thrive on chaos and pitting group against group.
       Remember the election is coming up soon, vote early in case something happens and you can't make election day voting, and stay away from large groups of people, that is where the stupidity will happen.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The 4 boxes of our Political System.


 I have commented repeatedly that the people that want to gut our 2nd amendment rights are perfectly happy to let the government have guns and these people whom are statist and believe that the government is all knowing and all doing and is this benevolent master, they have this parent child relationship with the government.  I and many like me view government as a necessary evil and our founders put checks and balances in the system including the 2nd amendment to prevent the government from "getting to big for their britches" to use a southernism. 

 The elitist are pushing the latest shooting to try to disarm the American people, especially the middle class, the bulwark against the elitist that would try to rule be imperial fiat.  In a lot of countries, there are the very rich and the poor, there are no middle ground.  in those countries, the rule of law is the same, there is one rule for the rich and one rule for the "great unwashed".  The middle class is a check on the unfettered desires of the 1%ers that do desire to rule because they are "our betters".    I first heard of the 4 post of our political system from a now retired talk show host by the name of Neal Boortz.  After the recent shootings, this is a reminder of what can happen if tyranny disguised as the "caring liberals" makes an appearance.

The 4 boxes of the American Political System.

  I had posted this back when I first started blogging.  I will repost since it is pertinent to today's discussions on government and overreach.   The 4 boxes of the American political system work like this:

      1.    The Soapbox :  I can stand on a soapbox and criticize the power structure and the politicians and not get thrown in jail and sent to a gulag or get asked "Where do you want your remains sent to?"

     2.  The Ballot Box:  I can vote for whomever I want without fear of being thrown into prison for supporting the "Wrong candidate" or being wrapped in a tire and set on fire.

     3.  The jury box:  I can feel confident that the rule of law will apply equally to everybody without regard to station in life. and due process isn't being asked "which ear do you want the bullet?

     4. Cartridge box:  You open the 4th one when the others are threatened and get the first 3 back.

I shamelessly clipped this argument off farcebook after after getting into it with a hippie after the 2nd assassination attempt on President Trump.  Hippies I swear, 

Liberal idiot stridently insists that the AR-15 round is uniquely powerful and terrible. I explain that muzzle energy is the commonly accepted metric for determining how powerful a round is. And that the AR-15’s .223 round has 60% less muzzle energy than the .30-06 and 30-40% less than other common deer hunting rounds.
Liberal idiot then insists that the .223 round is much deadlier because it’s much faster. I explain that the muzzle energy formula takes velocity into account and that the .223 has about the same velocity as most deer hunting rounds and is only about 10% faster than the .30-06.

Liberal idiot then insists that the .223 round is especially deadly because it’s a lighter round (!). Speechless, I start to explain that muzzle energy directly correlates to mass, so a round that’s half as heavy will have half the muzzle energy, assuming the same velocity.
Then I stop, bid him adieu and delete his messages. And hope my IQ recovers by Monday.
Folks, THIS is the degree of stupidity we’re dealing with. They literally know NOTHING about guns and aggressively refuse to learn even the most basic facts. We can’t reason with people who are intentionally and insistently uninformed. And any Republican Quisling who makes nice with these fanatics should be kicked out of the party.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



I have posted this before in remembrance of 9-11-01.  Unfortunately I believe that we as a society have forgotten what has happened, and we are importing people that believe the same way as the people that crashed into the buildings back in 2001.  I fear that we are in for a rude awakening....again.

  I set to post this on the scheduler thingie to drop on Sept 11, 2024.  I wrote this post back in November of 2018,  I have blogged before about Rick Rescorla, to me he went to Valhalla on the wings of Valkyries.  To use a phrase that isn't used much anymore, "He died Well".  Everyone dies, that is the truth of our existence, but some choose to run forward despite the almost certainty of death to make a difference.

The Battle of la Drang Valley was the first major battle in the Vietnam War. 36 years later, the first major battle of the War on Terror was the bombing of the Twin Towers.
There are many people who remember both events, but Rick Rescorla is the only person who was at the heart of both.
Rick Rescorla was born in Cornwall, United Kingdom, but was one of the most distinguished heroes in the initial battle of Vietnam. He gave his life on September 11, 2001.
Just before the collapse of WTC 2. You can see all floors fully involved with fire and         structural failure is imminent

Rescorla’s career in the military started at the age of 17 when he joined the British military. There he trained as a paratrooper and would later serve in Cyprus. At the end of his Short-Service Commission, he joined the Northern Rhodesia police before returning to London to join the Metropolitan Police Service.
Rescorla’s tenure with the Met police was short-lived and he soon emigrated to the United States where he lived in a hostel in Brooklyn. He stayed there until he was able to enlist in the United States Army. He completed basic training at Fort Dix.

After basic training, he completed Officer Candidate School and airborne training, graduating with the assignment of platoon leader.
He became infantry leader of Company B, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Rescorla and his men were one of the first combat units on the ground in Vietnam.
In November 1965, he and his unit were involved in the battles in the la Drang Valley. One of the moments from these battles was captured by a war correspondent and appears on the cover of We Were Soldiers Once And Young. This iconic image is of Rick Rescorla holding his rifle with bayonet attached and marching forward into battle.

Rick Rescorla during the war, 1965

Rescorla and his unit fought at Landing Zone X-Ray before being extracted and provided with a brief rest. They were then instructed to return to the valley and reinforce another unit. The battles lasted three days, during which time the companies faced superior numbers but were able to hold off and drive the enemy forces back.
For his part in the war, Rescorla was honored with the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, a Purple Heart, a Silver Star, and the Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Some U.S. Army soldiers air-lifted into LZ X-Ray.

After leaving active duty, Rescorla remained a reserve, retiring with the rank of colonel. He used his military benefits to study creative writing and eventually earned a law degree from the Oklahoma City University School of Law.
He would go on to teach criminal justice for three years and publish a textbook on the subject.
His teaching career was short-lived and he moved on to the world of corporate security, joining Dean Witter Reynolds at their office in the World Trade Center.
It was during his time there that Rescorla became concerned with the security of the towers. This was prompted by the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland.

The remains of the forward section from Clipper Maid of the Seas (Pan Am Flight 103) on Tundergarth Hill, Lockerbie Scotland, 21 December 1988

The bombing pushed Rescorla to invite his old friend, Daniel Hill, to assess the security of the World Trade Center. Hill was trained in counterterrorism and determined that the basement would be the easiest target for a terror attack.
The two of them used the findings to write a report to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey insisting that more security be added to the parking garage. Their recommendations were ignored due to the costs, leaving the building open to the 1993 terrorist attack.
During the 1993 attack, Rescorla was upset by the poor evacuation of the building and vowed that it would never happen again. In 1997, he became the director of security for Dean Witter/Morgan Stanley and was able to make some of the changes he wanted.

Procession of emergency vehicles at the World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993. The Tower is on the far right of the frame. Photo taken by Eric Ascalon from an adjacent pedestrian walkway. 

Rescorla did recommend that the company find different office space due to the vulnerability of the building, but lease obligations made this impossible. This left Rescorla to create an emergency evacuation plan that all employees had to practice again and again.
The emergency plan ensured that Morgan Stanley employees were ready for any attacks. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Rescorla heard the explosion from the North Tower and saw it burning from his office window on the 44th floor of the South Tower.
An announcement from Port Authority came over the PA system telling people to remain at their desks. Rescorla ignored the announcement, grabbed his bullhorn and ordered Morgan Stanley employees to start evacuating.

The north face of Two World Trade Center (south tower) immediately after being struck by United Airlines Flight 175

He directed the employees down the staircase and continued to encourage them when the building lurched as the second plane hit. To keep everyone calm, Rescorla started to sing as he had done for his platoon in Vietnam.

 Rick pushing people out of the building in Sept 11, 2001 saving their lives, this was the last pic that was taken of that man.

2,687 employees of Morgan Stanley owe their lives to Rick Rescorla as they were successfully evacuated. After seeing to this, Rescorla returned to the South Tower to ensure that everyone was out.
He was last seen on the 10th floor heading up shortly before the tower collapsed. His remains were never found and he was declared dead three weeks later.

The exterior support columns from the lower level of the South Tower remain standing after the collapse of the building.

Rick Rescorla was a man who saw battle with two armies and the start of the War on Terror. All but 13 employees of Morgan Stanley were able to exit the South Tower safely because of his leadership and foresight.

 Rescorla's name is located on Panel S-46 of the National September 11 Memorial’s South Pool
One of my favorite pics, it shows the indomitable spirit of the American People.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Fvcking Vultures....

Sorry for not posting sooner, had a lot of work drama last week, and that derailed me.

I got a text right before I went to bed last night, not even 12 hours after the tragedy in my home state, and I got a text from some democratic hack schilling for money hoping to ride on the emotions from the recent shooting to get money to defeat my local congresscritter in November.  What douchebags!

Republican Mike Collins has blood on his hands. The deaths in Barrow County are a direct result of his support for weapons of war. He's hiding behind the 2nd Amendment. 

He must be defeated. He is our number one target in Georgia. Help send a message NOW.

Donate to defeat him.

Donate to restrict weapon sales.

Donate for common sense gun reform. 

Donate to remove guns from the hands of violent, white, male killers. We need Red Flag Laws in Georgia, and Mike Collins stands in the way!

     Several quick observations....the jerkoff kid was 14 years old, too young to legally own the weapon he used, and from the picture I saw it was a shotgun, not an AR pattern rifle. but I digress, also red flag laws wouldn't worked in this case anyway, again, the kid legally wouldn't own the weapon he used so red flag laws wouldn't have worked. and I don't like "Red Flag Laws" because it strips due process away and there is no penalties for filing a false report.  Also a final point, you notice the "Violent White male criminals"   ok so I suppose the "violent Black male criminals" in deep blue cities get a pass I suppose....

    Got another one again tonight...and I responded to this one also, and I blocked both numbers...tools.

     The cartoon that is in the post is the one I used in both responses to both texts and a rebuttal. If history is any indication,  I'll get another tonight and I'll respond the same way. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

What America Needs is Virtuous Leaders.


I saw this on Townhall, and I really liked it, I snuck it in on my work 'puter :)  

   We as a society keep selecting leaders that don't have society's best interest at heart, we keep selecting career politicians that are in for their own pockets, you know that they somehow manage to become millionaires despite only making less than $200,000 a year.  Pelosi is the queen of insider trading and somehow she is shielded from investigation....I wonder why.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

“The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess the most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society, and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous while they continue to hold their public trust.”  James Madison 

If there is one thing America has not done, if there is one great principle the country has tossed out the window, if there is one great piece of advice and truth that is utterly ignored in the political ethos of the United States today, it is the words of James Madison above as written in “The Federalist,” no. 57.  And it’s why we are destroying ourselves.

Of course, firstly, to do what Madison said, a person must know what “virtue” and “wisdom” are, and most Americans don’t.  The godless Left has made licentiousness, decadence, perversion, and depravity so prevalent that a nuclear family is now “weird.”  And such is the reason why we elect people like Biden, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and every other Democrat in Washington and around the country—and most Republicans as well.  

If you give Evil the right to vote, do not be surprised when Evil is elected to public office.  If you give Madness the right to vote, do not be surprised when Knaves are elected to office.  If you give Selfishness the right to vote, do not be surprised when Selfish people are elected to office.  If you give Ignorance and Idiocy the right to vote, do not be surprised when tyrants rule over you.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  But we have kicked God’s Word to the curb, and true wise men can see the horrendous consequences of that in our world today.

As James Madison so perceptively wrote, the first two crucial elements in any country, or, as he said, the “aim of every political constitution,” should be, first, to elect rulers of wisdom and virtue, those able to “discern” the “common good of society.”  Please note that last phrase:  “the COMMON good of society.”  Governments should benefit every citizen equally, not provide special privileges and benefits to people whom those in power favor and whose votes they want to purchase.  If you read the powers given Congress in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, you’ll see that those powers are neutral, benefitting all Americans equally.  There was no DEI, no money for some favored group paid for by those out of power.  No political parties are mentioned in the Constitution (and George Washington specifically warned against them) because parties are divisive, not unifying.  When Party D gets in power, it will benefit its members, paid for partly by Party R’s members who do not believe in those things.  And when Party R gets in power, it will reciprocate.  That isn’t unity. That is division; that isn’t “the COMMON good,” Madison said was the “first aim of a political constitution.”  And THAT, folks, is what really caused America’s civil war if you’ll take the time to study it and truly find out.

AND, further, “to compel a man to furnish funds [taxes] for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is tyrannical and sinful” (Thomas Jefferson).  Amen and Amen.  “Equal rights for all, special privileges for none” (Jefferson again).  Triple Amen.

But a “tyrannical and sinful” government is exactly what America has today, and it is exactly why the country is so horribly divided.  We have elected evil, degenerate rulers with no virtue and no wisdom who think only of themselves and how they can selfishly remain in power.  And they do it by granting financial and other favors to people they are trying to cajole into voting for them.  America has created a hideously unvirtuous political system that has been and is being ruthlessly exploited by godless tyrants who worship no god but power.  It has been happening for too long now, and even the great wisdom of our Founding Fathers hasn’t been able to protect us from our own lack of virtue and wisdom.

As always, our Founders were right.  America has given power to amoral narcissists, and the country is in dire straits because of it. It’s not new in history by any means, but it does seem to be a lesson that humans never learn.  

Madison’s second point in the opening quote is equally valid.  We must elect rulers of virtue and wisdom and “take the most effective precautions for keeping them virtuous while they continue to hold their public trust.”  “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (Lord Acton).  Even the best of men can be tempted to abuse power. That is exactly why the Founding Fathers wrote a Constitution that gave national government officials very little power, putting most of it into the hands of state and local governments that the people can more easily monitor.  Impeachment and removal from office was a protection against unscrupulous leaders written into the Constitution, but such has proved very ineffectual.  How do you keep the wicked from being wicked?  Nobody, not our Founding Fathers, not even Jesus, has ever been able to solve that greatest of human dilemmas.

Thus, every great nation in history has eventually destroyed itself, firstly, from within with unvirtuous rulers, and secondly, by hungrier mouths who descend upon it to feast on its dying, decadent carcass (can you say, “illegal aliens”?).  Our Founders understood that perfectly.  They repeatedly warned us about it and tried desperately to protect us against it.  But nobody can fully protect against evil in the human heart.  Evil obviously has a vested interest in perpetuating itself.

Too many Americans no longer know virtue and wisdom; they only know evil and decadence, which is why evil and decadence rule much of America.